It's one of the most simplest ways to give back and to help those in need.
All that to set the scene.
I quite often forget that my life is not normal. I'm just so used to living my life this way that when I meet other young adults I forget that people like myself are few and far between.
I met a young man today and we talked as we waited at the Red Cross. I don't remember how we got started on this topic (maybe because I love sharing about my trips so I find ways to sneak it in there in any conversation). I told him about all my travels, where I had been and where I'm going next week! (Yeah, I leave for Macedonia next Friday, the 18th!)
After I listed the countries I had been to and where I am going, you could see the surprise and shock on his face. He smiled and laughed as he told me that he had never been to those places.
That's when it hit me. My life is not normal, by any means that society today would have suggested for an almost 22 year old.
Never went to college. Never had a boyfriend. Never been kissed. Never had my own prom or high school graduation. Never been on a fancy vacation outside the country.
Even though my life is filled with "Never have I ever's..." the list of the things that I have done outweigh them and make the nevers worth it.
Let me clarify. I understand that most of my "never's" just haven't happened yet but most likely will in the future. And I'm okay with waiting. Waiting is worth it. No regrets ;)
I want to share with you something I found in my journal for Colombia (my second mission trip).
I had forgotten all about this encounter and can no longer picture his face. I met a Colombian named Antonio who said a blessing over me : "May God bless you and guide you back home and to other countries."
Little did either of us know that almost three years later I'll have gone on my 5th mission trip and have been to three more countries after that trip. It's really cool looking back and seeing things like this prayer come into fruition.
***If you ever go on a mission trip YOU MUST journal! You will be so thankful you did!***
UPDATE on Macedonia. Like I said I leave on March 18th to fly to Chicago and begin meeting my team. Cannot wait!
I AM FULLY FUNDED. I should have posted this awhile ago. God is so good and has met all my needs.
I only work a few days next week then I'll have a couple days to pack, repack and prepare.
A huge thank you to all who donated and have been praying. I so appreciate your support!
The next few weeks are going to be very busy and I appreciate all the prayers.
How you can pray!
-As the team and I prepare for next week.
-As the leaders prepare
-That the camp administration will accept us and give us the proper badges we will need to enter the camps.
-For all who we will meet while in Macedonia, especially the refugees.
-For open doors in Macedonia.
-Travel to and from Macedonia
-Guidance for myself. That God would open doors and lead me to where He wants me to go/what He wants me to do next.
Thank you!
I can't be more proud of my BEKA !!!!